Thursday 26 November 2020

Fanaticism Passage 27

The world has come on a bit since the beginning of inventions
They invented the pound which will have absolutely no value if produced in high quanity which will allow just about anybody to live abundantly if printed made easy?!
Are you gonna tell no one has caught on to the biggest sadistic murderous trick known to man?
Of all the things the world has invented you gonna tell all this time no one can come up with a Monterey  system that will not devalue due to quantity or scale?
In this whole amount of time with people walking and running fast fast with brief case busy busy in the city not starting only speaking the middle
"If we print print like that the value of currency will go down
Instead of looking at how much time that has gone by creating lack like fact!!
Its the same vexations I am having with my own inner self in my own personal worls whilst deep in thankfulness and gratitude know that without any doubt but as well this is not just me its on the mind of many!
Fucking eeking and peetering it out like funking bird fucking food and the forest is still fricking full of it
Everybody's is talking in the middle the currency value is gonna go down well that was back then how well healed was anybody back then?
You would fink if it got fucking started as what it is it can change from what it is I can't understand how that is not some first flip?
It seems like such an ignigma to me
That those with a much quicker and clearer brain processing and mind function just wouldn't see divide and conquer from devalue to appreciating values?
Of this is not comprehensive cooperate fact or knowledge 
Its part of a simple poetry book
All the things which has been invented up until now that has changed all our lives and yet still...
...something feels like it has snapped and it can so easy-ish to change
Not that creating a financial construction or infrastructure is easy not that I would know
But what has become of money  does not have to be so brain and soul destroying either.
Boy, I don't know what has come over me but this has been with me for some time. 
Since seeing certain boundaries just thrown down toward my life
Things on a personal level I did not mean to allow happen but had no strength to do anything else or allow certain individuals to get away with violations against me which should have been followed up and through a correct system. If you do stop serial sex offenders they become more angry and possibly even more subtle but it never just ends there unfortunately 
Its strength and behaviour patterns which get all tied up 
And now its mens rea
And maybe as well that it may also be that brunette man on the tube train all those years ago as I was going up down and around town getting to work who sat with a large baggy coat feathered neck length hair blatantly holding a brand new pack of what looked like minted money sat across from me looking focused but daze was he trying to show me something so obvious about what world change is?
I dare you!
I dare you to see flip it change it and stop talking about what isn't as if is!
Just for being a Poet of sorts theres back lash misinterpretation, the how dare she! Possessiveness's over expression...but hey!

Wednesday 11 November 2020

Fanaticism pt 9

Originally Added to blogger 11/11/2020/11:30
I am so thankfully grateful and blessed to repent and surrender to the forgiveness purpose and power life is!
Thou Shalt not Leave!
Set out feeling great
Driving along enjoying the sound of the engine, the wind blowing, or some fine music 
Minding my own pretty business
But the cars start lingering in the mirror
Driving slower
Then a feeling comes over
Feels like puffs of air rising or swiping down across your face
You still ani't taking any notice because your driving and trying to do what is road safe
Cars suspiciously waiting driving 
A Yellow Van 
An energy swathing begins occurring
The next thing you know you are struggling to stay awake behind the wheel whilst driving!
Forced to fall asleep
There is a long line of traffic driving in the same lane behind you
Lengths and lengths of long trucks
But you observe one driver with their lights too high or too bright
That driver keeps pulling out and flashing lights
You try to ignore it but it keeps happening and then you start to feel you energy changing
Forced to change again
Because someone is practicing something in the belief it will never be identified as someone else
A jealously of such hate
Which can never congratulate
A jealously of such hate
Which hates anyone who can graduate
A jealously of such hate
Which will concoct and derive a way to destroy in such away that evidence will only ever point at one perceived as a victim and equally as a survivor for ignoring the aims of the one so jealous!
Driving down the road again
And many will try claim  something is wrong with the state you are in
Stressed out and traumatised, yes!
Terrified even to be left not earning after the years jealously managed to find their way into destroying what the mundane and boring where doing to make a living!
But they had to get into destroy everything
How dare she leave and seek better from education or any job place and most of all my life!
But you will be to blame if it is not seen or realised that this is the work of possible levels of highly psychiatric illnesses
It is not that you are without compassion 
But this continues on because of where the levels began
It is hard to have to speak out against someone
It is hard to forced to speak out against a regime
It is hard to be one person forced into a position to have to stand up to an entire institution which also holds or has at one time held within it abusive beliefs and systems!
Thou Shall Leave a State of Fear for a Love which will always understand no guilt will ever abide where illness is left to thrive!
Driving down the road
Poked prodded shoved
By energy derived from illnesses or the necessity to resist
Feeling forced to use your imagination to match the hate sent into your system
Where you are driving down the road and again feel woozy after the driver of the red car infront is lingering and watching you as you drive past crackit lane
Waiting and gauging for when the "sleep now" command can go in
Excerpt from up and coming book

To be published
Amazon kdp