Monday 4 October 2021

Should She Have Published Her Private Works? Q&A

Should I  Have Published my Private Works?


Good Morning, Lavinia lets get started. You had quite an out pouring over the weekend what was going on there? Was it planned?

Lavinia: No… actually not all was planned…..some of it was!

So….it was more about just releasing trauma? Stress?

Lavinia: Yes, it really was it just flows out because I’m open to it

Why take so much time to write so much with a book unfinished?

Lavinia: I do not want the book to get too bog down or distracted by this stuff. Whilst even with the book I have most of the direction by now. I just wasn’t completely ready to delve into it despite protestations.

….and unfinished?

Lavinia: it allows the reader to see my state of mind. What I observe…what I leave behind…for me it is the bravery? Courage? The strength to be as I am with no pretense!

…and that is important to you is….why so?

Lavinia: because abuse lies!

Ok we’ll be back with Lavinia later….Lavinia publish will you…ta!

Welcome back to this Q&A session with Artist Poet Owner and Founder of Natural Flowism Ltd Lavinia De Ayr!

Should you have Published your own Private Works?

Lavinia: Umm…for me…I was in a fix…this wasn’t just about being followed down the road. This was or at least felt like a second time around stalkers campaign…

…or was it…considering…do you not think by now somebody else had surfaced who unbeknowest to you may have been botheration to you all along?

Lavinia: I do wonder that now. I also wonder why I would yet again have to be and feel abused as a result? And in fact by last night…

…the third of October twenty -  twenty one…

Lavinia:  …I had come to the conclusion that all this surround sound so to speak has everything to do with the original stalker. The level of possessiveness. Once it gets to the stage where a stalker gains enough access to their target that they can organize everyone’s conversation around them…and worst of all almost control things to the point….if true of course….but if a stalker is so dangerous and many of them are that they can energetically manipulate negative energy toward two people deliberately pitting them against each other…

…is this referring to the Friday argument? What do think the significance of segmented fruit is?

Lavinia: yeah….mmm….i used to find it really strange when it was really intense that almost every Friday there was something done to affect energy that would bring about an argument of some sort. But, for some reason I also knew it was all very suspicious….


…in what years that particular antic so intense do you remember when?


Lavinia: ….during 2009 toward about 2012ish. But once I began to realise what was being done I tried my best to abate any conflict. What I still hadn’t learnt was enough about energy being deliberately being projected in toward you or about beĆ­ng used or more likely abused as a gauge or barometer of sorts!

Hmmmm…segmented fruit?


Lavinia:…mmmm….the only thing I have been thinking about recently is….if you look at a company through a “pie” chart. If you analyze each segment and find that the area  of employment shown in the “pie” chart is the smallest…the thinniest slice does that signify exploitation of a work force? Which nay result in Poorly performing work force?  Does it signify an abusive/sick minded leader? Or does it signify a lack of experience and know how in leadership? Or poor quality produce or in other  areas of a business or even a country as a whole?

So…from what you are asking I dare to presume is how clear is the evidence of abuse and human rights issues in the face of possible abuse? How much ready evidence is being ignored?

When we come back Lavinia will answer more questions about decision to publish her private works!

Welcome Back!

Lavinia, lets talk about how you feel about the reaction to your work…do you think or know about the feedback from others? How has it been since turning yourself into a self – publishing author and editor?

Lavinia: ….Hmmm….its has been strenuous to say the least. My Attention Deficit Disorder has surfaced that’s for sure. Yet, overall, the experience has been cathartic…I wouldn’t be without it.


Lavinia: I think more recently another wave of reaction has been stirred with further abusive and more over queries. What looks like some very abusive characters with little decorum about them.


Ooops! Your writings ended yesterday with diary entries as you caught up on weeks gone by.  What was your study behind those works?


Lavinia: ummm….there has a change in the “tone” so to speak of what has been going on.

As the artist and poet what are you finding in that “tone” so to speak especially as a writer of ‘abuse in a family context’ and of ‘stalking’ does your choice of subject affect the reaction toward you? What do you think?


Lavinia: right out the gate a big Yes! Subject choice is a major factor in how you will be received! Think about it….there will never be a right time or thing to say when it comes to a stalker or an abuser in your family often the two overlap. So, how popular can you become. You can’t and will never be loved or popular if you are from a family of abusers who cannot get well soon or get better full stop! Spite is one of the longest running forms of abuse from either side. I am still struggling with myself on a moment to moment basis whilst under attack not to react or retaliate in spite even whilst being “spited”.

Have relationships been affected or destroyed out right?

Lavinia: trust me I don’t even want to go there because nothing is pure!

What on earth do you mean by that?

Lavinia: All I can say is:  in any abusive or conflict situation every human is better off learning the difference between a pure and true loving bond and trauma bonding?

Oh…I get it. So it is to grow in the awareness to know when you are forming a bond with someone of your own choice rather with someone due to an enforced situation. So try and get to know yourself better and choose rather than presume?

Lavinia: Yes. That is what I meant by nothing is pure!

Thank you for staying with us. We will regroup and return at a later point in time!

Talk to me about the XLR experience….you had mentioned many times about “energetic manipulation” feeling deliberately ‘pitted” against a loved one. As I understand it an incident occurred…and…what happened finish it off quickly before you get your head down again…

Lavinia: …think I was somewhere up north but driving back down South…think I was on the M6? Anyway a white car was emerging onto the slip road…

…on your left side?

Lavinia: …yes…and as the car came level with me I felt this force of pressure from the direction of this driver in this white hatch back car….literally felt like I had been punched out….as in literally knocked out but only as that car emerged. As normal I had been fined and undisturbed up until the moment that white golf ball emerged.

So…what exactly happened? Did you become nauseous?

Lavinia: no not exactly. I had had a really good sleep which always helps when up against such attacks. What happened is I remained conscious through out the experience. I seen the car. I felt and observed the impact it all happened in a split second. As the pressure hit by my temples I felt like my brain shuddered but I also noted that my mind nearly went blank and I almost started questioning where I was….

…so you would have lost consciousness and become completely disorientated whilst driving a heavy goods vehicle down the motorway. I mean sounds unbelievable to be fate but the truth county drug lord’s and their gangs and prostitution have become rife increasing in activity and antics along the motorways!

Lavinia: so I wonder if they are the incessantly flicking their lights a me every time they come past me?

Or it is camera operation language? You mentioned earlier something abound new characters in the area. Understandably, everywhere changes over time, right? How much of what you are seeing is now just because you are an artist?

Lavinia: I’m still so deeply challenged and focused on the work that I pay little attention to all that. I cannot pretend to understand what my art writings or dare I say “teachings” are to other people.  

Is it like a drug dealer taking his or her own load when you meet people who respond to you as if your work is still present?

Lavinia: so…ok…the whole point of self – healing work for me is to process what sticks for me….as I see it…which does not necessarily relate or prove that is exactly what something is or how it was intended to be.

….you are processing your own perceptions?

Lavinia: Yes!

Do you think that it is possible that what you deem as nosey can be speculators of your success or maybe even collectors investigating your works or hiring investigators to check you out?

Lavinia: to be honest I do not know. But at times it can feel like that. I have a feeling of being tested and gauged to see what I include or exclude and possibly how long it takes me to respond that way?


Ok Thank You Lavinia.

Today we have been visiting with Artist Lavinia De Ayr!

We hope you have enjoyed this fine example of self-examination

Thank You

Hope you enjoyed this #selfhealing session

Take Care of Yourselves

Stay Safe

Blessings from @naturalflowismstudios


Many Thanks


Natural Flowism


A Freedom of Being!


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