Saturday 20 November 2021

The Moon in Bright Daylight! (image taken 21/11/21 in the skies of West London)

Coming down the M40
All I could hear is:
Pile dick or piles of dicks
Shoved in the blue
The crutch took it
The obsession of projection
The belief their projection game is where riches were made
Projection till they touch the spot meant you could control everyone!
It hatched more than just a plot and plan
Driving down ths motorway
I could my breast being felt
Have to use my imagination  over and over again because somebody's gran father got lucky with somebody's titties!
Now they try it over and over again
Cup cake looking bobble hats
Worn off the crown of the head
Threat of the mamagram?
As arms are lifted so my paranoid imagination feels stretched to it
I have got to get it out
I have got to get it out
Have i got to get it out?
Not just the red wax incest man believed by others to be stuffed up inside of me
But the threat of the mamagram man
And the yellow jacket gang?
Why would rhat be the theme of this and last week?
Does this date back?
I am not about political or social gains or games just an ordinary honest life does me
It is what it is that's enough ambition to be achieve after knowing what a interest in spiritualism has done?
But does it still date back?
There was no need for any suggestion to be "planted"
I could already feel a heavy energetic indentation as
though something very heavy has been imaginatively shoved down upon the left side of my skull.
What is that supposed to be about?
Another contrived way to send message out?
More abuse dreamed up by spy companies or spy schools why.not just go to language skill school?
Must have something to do with back in the day when it was all about swaping between sounding  eastern europeon and  completely cockney...why on earth that came across as something strange...i really don't know just  simplt turned up to get my job done. Why would  that be deemed so wrong?
Since I find myself in a situation where I just cannot seem to stop asking question maybe somebody else can figure this out...baring in mind this is nothing to do with me...why would anyone be....hmmm...nah that's not it....what is it about  self-healing through the study of mediumship and brain health that will  upset a stalker so much?
What myriads would be created to disprove ruffled feathers?
It makes me sick to my stomach but i feel it so strong....someone had a long range plan. Worst yet it is probably not directly about me. But for the love of God for an obsession so strong to take possession from life to death and keep going beyond and still carry on.
Maybe something beyond illness has been made?
Far beyond and i am not saying that create more of what has already been...a statue on a wall seems to be frowning and praying hard for more freedom and a healthy peacefulness!
Natural Flowism
A Freedom of Being!

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