Saturday 18 July 2020

When it is not...

...amazing how...

No infact it is not amazing at all how jealousy can show up as competition when it can be experienced as an experience so  painful and sole destroying as ones mind is stolen away by damage or possible injury to ones brain which has left an internal conversation of everything and everyone being better than you!

When that is just not true
But by now it might be too late because you find yourself surrounded by those unable or unwilling to heal so nothing changes as they are stuck on repeating!

Stuck on predicting what will come about next. Even if it means pickng up the stupidest thing until they get noticed. 

Or when it gets worse it comes down to trying to take over everything around or beyond the person they do not realise they are not feeling.

They create a slavery all over again
Instead of it being about global nations it turns up as years been stolen from somebodies life as they are relentlessly stalked for absolutely no reason.

Because whether we like or not 
All of us
Everyone in this life has something go wrong or against what they actually want
We all lose at somethings
We all win at somethings
But that doesn't ever mean we have to cause a form of slavery around somebody or anybody!
I heard for some years people try and indicate to me what some men may want from me, or even some woman for that matter

But neither me or my body is chattle to anybody

Whilst the depth and violence of hundreds of years of slavery can never be compared

To be stalked has a bearing within what the history of slavery is!
Natural Flowism
A Freedom of Being!

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