Monday 9 August 2021

inBetween Fanatiscism 1987-2007-2021 wHere is the uPdate?

If there is nothing inside everything is created outside?
He tried to plead sanity off the backs of the emotionally disturbed physically abused financially   impoverished he alone created a lack of humanity...but..was he covering up something else like the lack of female success he creates soon after his presence has been undercurrents of absolute range and hatred not only for himself but everybody else? Or is he a possible victim or survivor of female incest? Rape? Or molestation or something else? Why does he continue to harbour  such jealous hate? Is he the silent witness to the murder only he knows he covertly and tactically yet tacitly  committed?
Hate it if you are lying all the time and you have got no truth to show at the end of it! But what and who does that  really mean? What does that rreally relate too?
Obsessiveness about creating or having an image exists because nothing else is naturally  or internally present?
You cannot?  or may be you can? take an illness out of a disorder dis-ease or brain damage and make it into authority or power simply because of its grip on what is of monetary value? Is that what for so many years so many have tried to do? Whilst deep in the need to let go of those with no ability to accurately relate relay translate or understand information correctly? Within that plight is that deeply damaging phrase too all to often too many of us have failed to understand  the impact and damage it has cause our lives! How many times have we unwittingly  shown someone no care or understanding by saying and asking: isn’t it obvious? Or I thought it would be obvious!
In the name of knowledge about brain health how dare any of us say or even ask?
If someone struggles with perception due to injury and yet that person leads the appearance of a normal life making choices unaware of the extent of they are perception are off balance! How dare we ask or presume what is obvious for those who cannot even perceive social cues? It would be so violent to the person for anyone to presume what is obvious to them or is not obvious to them, and what's more could never be obvious to them because quite natural they do not possess the brain function to perceive what is presumed to be generally obvious to all those who do not lack that particular brain function! Isn't hat more correct? Especially for those who suffer in life as a result of their injuries when it comes to having no grip on what is generally thought to be accurate perception least of all because theu appear to be coping with life just as successfully as everybody else!
Until you have learnt each individuals ability to perceive learn or understand is on the same page as everybody else  nothing is obvious to anyone! Brain damage trauma injury forcible mental emotional spiritual and financial perceptions disturbances due to abuses all affect how an individual  can see something as obvious or not!
I need to address this/ you done mash up my life/ distracted me from my loved ones/ destroyed my reputation so i don’t stand a chance/ you cost me so much and then you can’t ever pay it back it's not that they don't  know how you feel....they are doing things to deliberately make you feel things you do not want to feel!

...its just hard for them to believe you've been had
Not by a lover
But trapped within the years of a conniving stalker with a ton of supporters no one else is willing to perceive or see!
Natural Flowism
A Freedom of Being!

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