Tuesday 17 August 2021

iNbetween Fantascism - For Freedom Sake!

Dear Father God!
I am so thankfully grateful and blessed to repent and surrender to the forgiveness purpose and power life is!
In  all that infinite wisdom!
Loose us this day (as I have so learnt to say)from the Angel of Death!
Every bank and banker loose them from the Angel of Death!
Every stock exchange and root of all monies loose it and them from the Angel of Death right now!
Loose this globe called earth from the Angel of Death from the perceptions created everywhere loose us now from it!
From every death created by the power of thought invested in us all that was unwittingly formed into strength and empowerment and imagery thought belief perception and manifestation that led every nation to believe their should be decay and therefore death right back before the time of the perception known as Christ and the back to the moment creation began where it was believed death should be? loose us loose me now! this day! this moment! this time! from it now!
This script!
This poem!
This prayer maybe deemed as arrogant! Stupid! Cruel! Unnecessary! to be heeded or  needed or not needed! but dear God by the brain power and mentality invested in me I surrender this version to thee and beyond with thee! That the thought form or perception be no more! I do not know what inspires me or thy script or why this came upon me this day? Relieve it! Allow it!as I so surrendered to it! In Jesus name Amen pon  it!
I am so thankfully grateful and blessed to repent as I repent and surrender to the forgiveness power and purpose life is!
Amen this day(as I have learnt from others to say) and for always if there is nothing else I can ever do in this life with my life, I surrender this poem as an Amen!
Natural Flowism
A Freedom of Being!
For Freedoms Sake!
In the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost and for however and with whatever anyone else will supplement those 3 with, amen!
Natural Flowism
A Freedom of Being!
My Comment:

Whilst I was creating this poem on 17/08/2021/20:00ish @ #hamiltonservices #M74 almost if by joke I almost forgot to pay for parking! There's me writing by prayer about my own wishes and perceptions about  money and the reflection was in my own memory. Thankfully, I am fully aware my written work reflect me first and whatever I'm going thtough. Written works is what I use to self-heal. 

Due to my own internal struggles I have long combined my experiences of abuse with financial perceptions because I grew up so self conscious of how sometimes warped and worst of all limited my financial perceptions were and application of resources are at times. Especially as I feel I want to do much better when it comes to time management especially within limited amounts of time. Thankfully, I still get things done and sometimes when you think you can speed ahead life can sometimes remind you nothing happens until it is meant too! 

But still the question remains: if thought creates why did humanity create death as an option? 

Remember: these are creative works only!
Fanaticism: ASIN:B096C6862R
A book in Progress 

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