Thursday 27 August 2020

Hate Mine or Yours?

I know you hate me why do you also need to keep turning up or coming back to attack me?
A disconcerting personal energy link
Yet your undercurrent is anger and rage because you finally found my weakest spot to hurt me back yet your the one who hates so why do you need me so much? 
An energy compression of unwanted heat and air pressured toward an unsuspecting individual who us not participating in the deliberately engineered wickedness
It is a parasitic illness of absolute parasitic hatred only a calculated stalker can arrange and make happen!
A dates and even years apart
Pre-planned alliances 
Developed into interpersonal domestic terrorist occupations within the mind emotions and psyche of survivors 
As the stalkers trolls and other terrorist stalkers keep lying and trying so long as corruption keeps everyone resolute and quiet!
The gentle tender dispersion of intimate attacks of ongoing intimidation on unsuspecting innocent people unaware of the practices and techniques the parasitic cruel continue to use
The cruelty and subtly and legitimacy of dangerously mentally ill officially passed off as spy operatives legitimate and  investigations and practices
You think you are living but you are suffering without even knowing that is what is happening
Over 10 to 19 years of ongoing attacks due to the right of entitlement of others forced to let go of their powers they come to find you and take it out in you!
Over 10 years if ongoing attacks in some shape form or the other!
All recruits have one brief!
"She thinks she going to have a life of her own"
What excuse did or does anyone have for that not left to be true?
Yet it becomes impossible to get anything done due to the level and confidence of corruption
Nothing but the molestation of interference which has spurned so many experts as she carries on with her life they keep jumping forward with explanations about her writings about her life which are all contrived from their own dis-ease jealously and lies! 
As the attacked who did not realise how they were being attacked all you have now is the memory of the feeling of abuse which now helps you realised how others were falsely changed to behave hateful toward you
All I could feel is my stomach and solar plexus area feeling pierced and becoming weak!
Everytime we would meet
My heart felt like it was beung dragged down into my tummy
Someone taught this
This is known as expert gang shit on the street
I never knew she would need to go to such a length to spend a life time recruiting and hiring to steal my live from me!
Everything i feared and hated she set out to make true and she succeeded
I never set out to control her though or keep her so fixated on me
I left to be free
Now I realise she can't stop stalking me!
Inner turmoil often asks if any of  this is true knowing the way it proves true may not look like how it is thought to look
Such remains for a survivor of what being stalked by stalker forces a survivor to relive prior to effective healing can begin!
Natural Flowism
A Freedom if Being!
Love & Freedom
Freedom & Love


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