Saturday 15 August 2020


"I had to tell them....You fucking hit me and that bullet will come back as your shit!" TUiD

"Child Done Wrong and this current level of play out?" Arm

"Is how i was forced into seeing the difference  between the criminally sick man/woman in this case of absolute evil, and a well person! Because when I start a case as a detective remember I don't know fuck all there is not crisp white shirt trendy city meetings where we fall about laughing then go and 'try' to get the job done. I take a case on everything goes on hold and i am then forced to live it! And that one way or the other include everybody linked to me and anyone who comes into contact with. Because in some cases those bastards find you out in yhe worst case scenario everything about you and attack everyone in your personal life too! Innocent or not! TUiD

"Research and forced observation showed you that the ailment or disposition of guilt and hatred carried out as tricky complicated by a need for? ..and obsession with? ... the press?  forced you into realising what? guilt always showed up to check and monitor how much time or liberty they had left? basically put...guilt showed up each time they were nearly found out? or when they felt threatened by the fact they would be found? What about when they can latch onto someone and make them be in the same time place or space as them....hmmm?" Arm

" proved to me that the innocent didn't need to show up because he and she was just getting on with their lives and had nothing to hide or fear per say. The innocent had nothing false to create or need to make anything look  fake or false. The innocent had no fake income or need for any kind of action to make anything work or to stop things from working, most importantly!" TUiD

"So....Guilt had to interfere create or curate and rendevous a specific number plate and engineer each person they came into contact with to make sure each and every person did not look like it was them/guilty of the offence or offenses? hence a perfect breading ground and insatiable need for stealth sleight to function by the most deadly forms of jealously? Which has meant when brushed off or ignored? Or therefore in ignoring it/persons who warned against what was being allowed to happen allowed were set to suffer in a foundation of the most cruel forms hypnotism-trickery-magic- mesmerization which could be formed taught or learned in a situation where they where professionally left to rise grow and thrive in the most deprived areas where by sheer ignorance and disbelief = hypnotism have allowed the dangerously sick to form groups/gangs and sects despite pre-warnings to have the freedom they need to attack and cover-up their deeds under the guise of power for the sake of fame and what ever else?" Arm

"As I sais the innocent just continued doing their thing nothing to prove no need to turn up anywhere unnecessarily!" TUiD

"So don't tell me...all they could see was to take what already knew and..." Arm

"It means...look this may mean they went on from being the original stickz girls and men to running all the wages departments they could get into then formed the biggest fandemic to show off anf cover up all their do?" TUiD

"Talking of excrement who showed up outside her flat months after she moved looking like the case of the deadly nurse?" Arm....

Natural Flowism
A Freedom of Being!

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