Saturday 15 August 2020

TUiD & ARM star in... Unless Healed The Final Witness?

" since my Arm has been swung out and dragged in again you better 'swing' the following in....I have been here from the beginning so this is the angle I have eventually learnt to deal with and see! If we say we have to get this sorted the opposite will happen simply because that energy and its antics have been given and have taken too much free reign! However, I think it may help us to know exactly How much Sex have they given away? because that may directly lead us to what they are trying to recover? Also it may helps us to learn or go over what we know about their dress codes? So for instances...what is or has been their dress codes? Or 'goods' codes? What have they used? Also...If it is 'child done wrong' what is the differential between their mental age? Emotional age? And actual chronological age? And who or what would they prefer to be or look like? Be like? Or live life at? A good detective considers all the above before anyone can realise it?" Arm

"However, in general most people only see the most obvious the adult as an adult a child as a child a teenager as a teenager I have learnt since I been here. However, what are the following connections and why? E14 - 2014
What was with the East London connection in the past as side from a work and home challenge figuratively speaking this was there since the beginning in 2007? But why? Next one is relatively to speak....How about this as a possible rhyme? SE5 to the Clyde?" Arm finishes her rendition 

But TUiD snaps back with.....
"Robots and Sugar searching for number nine?" 

"Oh...that reminds me where are we up too with that reading she had...names in all not doing hold back lets have it....what you got?...mentioned in the reading was a woman whose name began with B  is that why they had been burglung her property?" Arm

"Ok...ill go over the names...she was given the name of Bianca...." TUiD is interrupted by Arm

"This was a Clairvoyant/Mediumship reading given at some point during the early 90's?" Arm

"Yes I would say so going by who she knew at the time!" TUiD

"Who else things are too dangerous now for us not to ask!" Arm

"She was given... Bianca...Carol....Debbie....Jacqueline....Ivan or something like that last name was not too clear as possible pointers and indicators in her life as people who may become poignant to her at some point or the other if they will or how they will fit into her life is not known or if the reading is true?" TUiD

"....hmmm....yes there is always the negative of those forcing things to fit where they don't belong....hmmmm....but... now I think I remember that there was also a part in a reading about a man with white hair who is not scared to see things through to the end given her ADD im not surprised a medium or clairvoyant will pick that up quite whose the chubby blonde with the sweep over hair do who tends to sits forward in the passenger seat? Seen near where she works in recent months on more than 1 occassion? I have a feeling she has a well honed talent for 'getting behind the scenes" Arm

"That is of interest by question is by due to which industry will she have learnt to do that? Which sector or environment allows her, and others if by her knowledge or permission allows them to roam so freely?" TUiD

The Unknown iRate Detective Lectures...with a Questionnaire...

"When and why is  jealously is used as confidence and as a barameter for attraction and love?

Why the fuck are so many cars now turning up around her with wages as a number plate a coincidence?

Shes beeƱ attacked who dreamt it up?

Simple Jealouslys
Set off revolutionary crime sprees?

I seen him as he slipped from under me
Crossed over with his head turned side ways as they catch him out of his body it literally looks like he has slid from under me
Bare chested white stripe at the side of his black sport pants
My life has been made into a lie
I dont like it and i still dont know why?

Even a birth can be complicated so think about what a murder is..."

says TUiD not so lovingly!

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